Uma electronics is developing product related with power electronics as first step. These products are Digital signal processor based. Most of the knowledge is gathered from the manufacturer of the components who share knowledge with their customers , in turn such customer will purchase components from them
There is need of these product and most of such products are imported in India from other countries through trade or through coloration. Those who are in this business , for them it is good source of earning as quick money and also enabling them to supply growing need of the market. Without earning no company or organization can survive and nothing wrong in doin so.
Here also, earning is the one of the objective cannot be denied but main focus of R&D is to develop and manufacture these product in India. This will help to create preputial environment of technology development, technology which is base on the software. to develop devices which save foreign exchange and provide opportunity for the people to use their talent and enhance quality of life for them and for fellow citizens of the country.