To compete in the global market for inhouse needs and exporting the product and services we need to concentrate on Quality Management.
Deming has given concept of “continuous Improvement” as prescription for success and in the 14 th point prescribed “ Take action to accomplish the transformation” and further amplifies it to convert a “critical mass” of people and form process improvement teams.
Quality Management is key element as first step and other steps such as cost reduction, timeliness of delivery, throughput rate etc follows automatically. This will leads to complete satisfaction of customers. No need to take step such as generation of employment and ensuring prosperity of Nation, as it will follow inherently.
Failure of Quality programme in organisation -Reasons
When top executive attend seminar on quality , it is usual practice to pass on instruction to his sub ordinates to implement this using concept 6 sigma, TQM concepts as jargon words just to give false impression on customer as well as to themselves, resulting in when no improvement appears organisation leave the concepts. Where as It require top level commitment , enduring effort in right direction. 6 sigma and TQM are the powerful tool but when not implemented carefully these words become jargon.
- Let us assume that these improvement teams are working on things that every body knows “need improving” .if we do not identify these things which one is constraint and which one is non constraint as concept is given by Goldratt, then inspite of best effort and right direction quality programme get failed desperately. This happens because we are having limited time ,energy and resources spread over the system. Business environment does not allow us the luxury of time. we can not wait for long time to see the results. Everybody might be working diligently, but only few have the potential to really make a difference quickly. without identifying the constraint , programme get early death.
- Managers focus on local process rather than the effect of it on system as a whole and they are completely oblivious to the system constraints.