It is not necessary you should be manager by designation. In fact we all are managers at least we manage ( or fail to manage) our time , personal activities or finance. so every person manages ( or fail to manage )something. you may be Manager of some corporation or social activity or your family. only difference is span of control and sphere of influence.
one of the hall mark of effective manager is that they deal less on present and more on future.
Manager is the person who recognize the need for change, then initiate controlling, and directing it ,and solving the problems along the way.
W. Edwards Deming has rightly said any country with enough people and with good management , making products suited to their talents and to the market, need not be poor. Abundance of Natural resources is not a requirement for prosperity. Infrastructure is needed for development but without developing its citizens , without orienting their mind in managerial skill , all is incomplete and will not bring desired results.
Total responsibility of developing people do not rest on the shoulders of Government .Although government can play its role as major change agent. It is only possible if each and every person is made aware about his competencies , through small programs. once people are arise to identify their capabilities they will become their own leaders and by forming groups or as individual they will develop themselves.
Our problem is we are so entangled to meet our basic needs , and we are not having time to think about way of progress although we all desire to have good quality of life. Easiest way appear before us to have practice which is adopted by the people who are closest to our minds. That too mostly without applying reasoning. It is based on common practice not based on common sense.
We only consider others as hero or our role model not because of his good deeds but because big group of people are treating him as role model, by doing so first of all we always underestimate our own capabilities. Question is why we cannot become our own role model?. Need is to identify those qualities and develop the same in our own behaviour and habits. Here intention is not to harm feeling of the persons who are doing good work for the society , Moreover those who are doing good for the society never treat themselves as hero because it is their duty towards the society and whatever achievement are there, he is one of the contributor and it is result of collective effort of other people also.
It is astonishing facts that if we are storehouse of millions of unemployed, and with the even more appalling underuse, and abuse of skill and knowledge in the army of employed people in all ranks in all industry or sector give indication such a country is most underdeveloped Nation in the world.
We are living in dark ages still and those who want to rule us do not want us to develop our own independent thinking. More chances are that those who rules us are ignorant about right thinking themselves. Thinking which is is base on the reasoning and challenges existing policies or practices. we must start thinking with reasoning and must search amicable ways and means to discard action which is not based on the same. Nature have given us mind and it must be dominated by the person who is having it not by the other persons mind. If it is not so, then there is no meaning of human freedom. To bring such changes their is need to make general consensus.
Through these pages appeal is made from the people those who are having desire to develop their fellow citizens and who can afford to run such awareness program must come forward to create such platform.
Any organization or company is consisting of organs or departments. These organs are well connected in orderly manner with each other and these are interdependent and interrelated. Any improvement or deterioration on one component may affect whole organization or company. Hence improvement can not be done in isolation by any department of company unless consequential effect is well assessed on the whole company or organization.
while managing we normally look at each of local area and trying to improve it( local thinking). while taking decision we should consider to optimize whole system which we are managing (global thinking).